Password management
Local Administrators and Teachers can reset student passwords by using the “Action” button on the Dashboard / Student Roster to editing student information.
Click on the Action icon. Use the resulting diaolog box to edit the student's information and to create a new password.
Local administrators and teachers may not want to create and manage passwords for their students. By entering changeme into the password field, the student will be forced to create a new password when they log in using their designated username and the temporary password changeme.
Alternatively, students can request an automated password reset by clicking on “Forgot Your Password?” on the NativeAccent web portal page.
An email with the reset link will be sent to the email address associated with their account in the database. Note: Hotmail and Windows Live account users check your SPAM folder for the reset email.
Troubleshooting Guide
NativeAccent 3 Users ONLY - before contacting customer care, teachers and students should refer to the NativeAccent v.3 Troubleshooting Guide. The Troubleshooting Guide appears under “FAQs and Support” on the NativeAccent web portal page for North & South America and Asia Pacific.
90% of all user issues can be resolved by following the suggestions in this document.